Monday, July 30, 2018

Back to School

Well, I’m off to a great start at grad school. It has been 45 years since I accepted my BFA and I finally decided to pursue a Master’s Degree. I got my acceptance letter today and, frankly, I blushed at the accolades heaped upon me for my application alone. The little devil on my shoulder smugly wondered how many of these letters the author wrote. Was this praise a form letter? Then I turned the page and saw a request for $6300 for a program that is supposed to be free. 

There are few benefits to becoming a senior citizen and free college is one of them. It is now almost 9 p.m. and there is no one to ask about this until tomorrow, so I can look forward to yet another sleepless night. I know; I worry too much. 

The next page asked for my vaccination records and stated I would not be able to attend at all if I wasn’t vaccinated. Now, really! I’m 67 years old! I have moved from Brooklyn to Boston to Brooklyn to North Carolina to New York and then to Connecticut, collecting doctors all along the way. I’m certain I was vaccinated as a child, but any records I might have had have long since faded and crumpled into dust. I scoured the page for a phone number so I could explain my situation, eventually to discover this requirement only applies to people born after 1956. Phew! Thank you, fine print! Another benefit for the elderly!

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