Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Taking Stock

Tomorrow night is the showcase for the summer theatre program I have been running in my hometown. It's 11:14 p.m. and I'm ready. The programs were printed last night. The props are done; the costumes; the snacks have been purchased. I'm not fussing with videos and pictures. Let the parents have their fun. This is not how I normally do things and I'm happy! Normally at this juncture, I am an exhausted, stressed out mess with a list of things left to do: cameras to rent, pictures to print and post. But tonight, I went out! I went to see a ten-minute play that I wrote being performed by a small company nearby. It was good! I liked my play! I liked the actors! I had a good time. I even laughed at a few jokes I forgot I had written. I'm going to get some sleep now and awaken energized for the long day. I'm not even going to color my roots! Hah! Tonight, life is good.When you finally start to do things for yourself, life is f**kin' good!

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