An Open Letter to Lawrence G. Keane:
What drugs are you on, Mr. Keane, that
help you to be so stupid? This quote is so convoluted as to be unbearable!
You said, “It’s completely hypocritical
to say you can stay (in Connecticut) and make your products, but they’re so
dangerous your employees can’t buy them.”
That’s not hypocritical, it’s the
truth! Just because you MAKE an item, doesn’t mean you have the right to USE
it. Would it be legal for a drug
manufacturer to buy a bottle of oxycodone just because he felt like having
some? No, he needs a doctor’s prescription. He gets the drug because he needs
to have it, not because it is available.
There is no hypocrisy in allowing gun
manufacturers to continue to manufacture weapons in our state. What we are demanding
is responsibility in who you are selling them to.(Yes, I know: never end with a preposition.)
No private citizen needs an assault
weapon. We are not Iraq. We are not Syria. The Constitution provides for a
well-armed Militia. It does not state that every lunatic should have access to
his weapon of choice. You want to hunt?
Fine. I’m not a hunter but it seems to me you’d like to be able to eat what you
kill, not rip it apart with a thousand bullets.
Make your weapons. And sell them to the
MILITIA: to the armed services, the police, the National Guard. I’m not
worried. We are America. Our Government is stable. I have not the slightest
concern that there is going to be a military take-over in this country against
which we have to defend ourselves with weapons. Try voting instead. Try
educating the masses so that voting is truly representative of a thought
process rather than a popularity contest or a knee-jerk reaction to extremist
views. Try ridding us of prejudice that leads to hate that leads to violence.
Try lifting people out of poverty so they don’t need to resort to violence.
Try anything! But shut your stupid
mouth while doing it!
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